Allan Linder 20th Century and Beyond Art Book is Back in Print


What makes an artist great? Struggle, determination, failure, or is it just raw talent? This question has been asked for centuries, and every art critic has a different answer. Follow the journey of notable American artist Allan Linder through three decades of artwork, as he honed his skill while overcoming life's obstacles.

Linder is a fourth-generation artist that works with paint on canvas, sculpture in many mediums, and drawing on paper and digital artwork. His work is exhibited and collected worldwide. Linder's work ranges from abstract concepts to his most recent paintings that depict realistic scenes of New York City in various seasons.

The subject matter ranges from moments of peaceful silence in a burgeoning and populated locale to busy street scenes in the heart of Time Square. With more than 150 full-color photographs of his most important work, this book complements any art history collection and is the topic of many conversations.

Allan Linder 20th Century and Beyond is currently available on Amazon.

From the Publisher:

For more than 25 years this important American artist has been quietly painting in his studio. He doesn’t employ 30 people to do his work for him. Instead, he creates his vision with his own hands. This poignant story of one artist’s journey from coast to coast in pursuit of his goal is refreshing and sets an example for other artists to follow. This book follows his creativity through various styles and influences. With more than 150 photographs of the artist and his work, this book will be a welcome addition to any art collection. If you are fortunate enough to own a Linder original, then you must have this to go with it.


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Author: admin
Artist, writer, sculptor, drawing comic books, storyboards for film and television, character design for animation, illustrating children’s books and painting for 30 years. Walk with purpose.