Close up of the GRIFON 1 Rover used in the film

All Props and Animatronics and practical effects will be updated on this page now. Check out the new stuff.

G.R.I.F.O.N. 1 (Geological Research Instrument for Foraging and Observation in Nature) 

Oil effects painted onto the side of the robotic rover. If you can't figure out what you are looking at, go here to see the concept drawings.

These are are two images of the animatronic robot prop G.R.I.F.O.N. 1 rover from the work bench of the artist.

Here's a shot of the aging detail on this bot.

Here is a shot of this little robot explorer in the wild.

Here we are changing out batteries and preparing for another scene.

We will have a full write up on this rover complete with build log and video in the coming months prior to release of the film.


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Author: admin
Artist, writer, sculptor, drawing comic books, storyboards for film and television, character design for animation, illustrating children’s books and painting for 30 years. Walk with purpose.